
Why briquetting?

  • Creation of uniform products (size, volume)
  • Reduce the volume of a powder
  • Stabilise unstable mixtures
  • Improve powder flow
  • Keep a product dust-free

MAXTON’s briquette machines

high pressure roll briquette making machineCold roll briquette machine
pilot roll briquette press in blue colorPilot roll briquette machine
lab roll press main photoLab roll briquette machine

Fields of applications

  • Chemicals (sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, carbonates, sodium cyanide, potassium cyanide, iron sulphate, potassium bromide, boric acid, urea, calcium hypochlorite, etc.)
  • Minerals (alumina, bauxite, lime, dolomite, china clay, magnesia, fluorspar, paint pigments, sulphur, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, lead, zinc, etc.)
  • Gypsum from power station flue gas desulphurisation
  • Sponge iron
  • Metallic oxides (Waelz oxides, rare earth oxides, zirconium hydroxide, ferroalloys, molybdenum trioxide, zircon sand…)
  • Steel turnings
  • Coal : production of briquettes for home heating or industrial purpose (partial coke oven charge, briquettes treated to obtain formcoke, briquettes for gasification)
  • Coal for production of activated carbon
  • Lignite, peat
  • Charcoal
  • Graphite, carbon black
  • Coke paste
  • Phosphate (hot or cold briquetting)
  • Clay
  • Detergents
  • Frozen food
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Glass batch
  • Steelworks waste materials and by-products (sludge, mill dust, sintered products, mill scale, coke fînes, etc.)
  • Dried sewage sludge

An Environmental Solution

  • Recycle industrial waste
  • Recycle beneficiated dust in an industrial process
  • Eliminate pollution problems caused by airborne dust – air and ground pollution

Feasibility study

  • Laboratory briquette press enables our client to conduct briquetting feasibility studies on a wide variety of products in very small quantities (about 10kg for one test)
  • The studies include briquetting performance and strength tests
  • If the results of the tests meet the client’s requirements, the project can move forward

MAXTON’s briquetting services:

  • Design of briquetting plants
  • Test runs and free feasibility studies at the workshop
  • Basic and detail engineering of briquetting.
  • Design and manufacture of all the equipment especially the key equipment (briquetting presses, mixers, dryers )
  • Technical assistance for mounting and commissioning of the units
  • Training of operators
  • Supply of spare parts
  • Modernisation of existing plants and equipment
  • Adaption of using own briquetting technology to equipment manufactured by other makers

a worker is testing the hardness of roller for roll briqutter in workshop


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